Welcome to our Web site! This website was created and is maintained by Johnny Broussard, member of the 245th Transportation Company (Army Aircraft Heavy Maintenance & Supply ) stationed in Coleman Barracks, Sandhofen/Mannheim, Germany from January 1955 to August 1957. It was designed in hopes of being a point of focus for interest and a centerpoint for contact of the former members who might be interested in getting together for reunions or correspondence or the sharing of pictures and memories. Included on the left are Links to pages on Coleman Barracks, the 1995 reunion in Melbourne, Flordia, the 1996 reunion in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the 1998 reunion in Las Vegas, Nevada and other pages of interest to former members. For non former members a little information might be helpful. The company was one of three Army Aviation Heavy maintenance units which performed major repairs and major inspections for all Army aircraft stationed in Europe at that time. As it so happened the helicopter repair section of this company, a platoon of young men mostly in their early 20s became pretty good friends during their tour together. After almost 40 years later four of these men made contact again and on Memorial Day 1995 had a small reunion in Melbourne, Flordia. They had such a good time that they began a tradition of reunions. Please use the links to other pages on the left to see more information and pictures. Unfortunely during our Website's host reorganizing, some of our functions, such as the guestbook signing and viewing, and the counter settings got zeroed or was made temporarily inoperative. We hope that we now have it working, but the counter is back to zero. Come on lets get with it and make a few more entries and visits. If anyone has any suggestions and/or comments please e-mail me at [email protected] or make an entry in the Guestbook and I will at least read and answer them. This page has been visited This page was last updated on 7/4/99 |